Ukrainian born artist Michael Gleizer works and resides in New York. He started to paint in childhood, studied in one of the best Art Academies in St. Petersburg, Russia, where great teachers opened up for him a wonderful world of high culture of Art.
Artist works in different techniques: oil painting, watercolors, graphics, illustrations, stage and costume design, and enjoys different themes: romantic, lyrical, religious, landscapes.
He worked in the main Academic repertoire theatre of Ukraine, as well as for others. Altogether, Michael Gleizer created costumes and set designs for more than 35 different plays.
Gleizer’s art work always have a deep philosophical idea he would like to convey to his viewers. Artist admits: “I paint from my heart and with all my heart. The main idea of my work is capturing people’s emotions, their souls and spirits. I always keep a pad with me. I capture everything that seems interesting at the moment, it may be a landscape from life, a human figure, or a composition for a future painting. I maybe won’t use all of it, I have to select. A minor note may be transformed into a major theme. What was once a simple inspiration may now become a ruling passion, which takes over for days.
I want to make viewers feel what my characters are feeling and see them through my eyes. In my work I present this world as I see it and feel it, without any pretense: naive, funny, angry, sad, miserable, tragic, romantic… All my characters are real and I love them, after all, a piece of my soul is left in each of them.”
Michael Gleizer always glad to discover and help young talented artist. His fellow-artists admire his natural talent and consult with him over their works.
Michael’s paintings belong to private collectors in the United States, Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Israel, Australia.
Michael Gleizer took part in different group and solo art exhibitions in galleries and museums in the United States and abroad.