Selected Personal and Group Exhibitions
March-April, 2019 Exhibition of Paintings, Amsterdam Whitney Int Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
Feb-Sept, 2019 Exhibition of Paintings, “Global Contemporary Art”, MAMAG Modern Art Museum, Castle Hubertendorf, Austria.
February, 2019 Exhibition of Paintings, Amsterdam Whitney Int Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
February, 2018 Exhibition of Paintings, Amsterdam Whitney Int Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
November, 2017 Exhibition of Paintings, Amsterdam Whitney Int Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
February, 2017 Exhibition of Paintings, Beaute Du Matin Calme Gallery, Paris, France.
September, 2016 Exhibition of Paintings, Amsterdam Whitney Int Fine Art Gallery, New York, USA.
May, 2016 Exhibition of Paintings, Agora Art Gallery, New York, USA.
April, 2012 Exhibition of Paintings, The Chassidic Art Institute, New York, USA.
Jan, 2008 Exhibition of Paintings, The Chassidic Art Institute, New York, USA.
May, 1994 Exhibition of Graphics (Lithographic), The Chassidic Art Institute, New York, USA.
- Jan 2004 Exhibition of Paintings, The Chassidic Art Institute,New York, USA.
- Jan, 2000 Exhibition of Paintings, The Gallery of B. Cardozo School of Law, New York, USA.
- Febr, 1998 Exhibition of Paintings, The Chassidic Art Institute, New York, USA.
- Sept, 1996 Exhibition of Paintings, The National Arts Club, New York, USA.
- April, 1994 Exhibition of Paintings, Yeshiva University Museum and CHAI, The Gallery B. Cardozo School of Law, New York, USA.
- March, 1993 Exhibition in the Rotonda of the Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C USA.
- June, 1992 Exhibition of Paintings, Chassidic Art Institute, New York, USA.
- April, 1984 Exhibition of Graphics and Paintings Dedicated to Sholom Alechem, "Sovietische Heimland" Magazine Office, Moscow, Russia.
- March, 1983 Exhibition of Graphics and Illustrations, Lithuanian Writers' Union, Vilnius, Lithuania.
- May, 1982 Exhibition "Motives of the old Podol", Graphics, Ivan Franko Library, Kiev, Ukraine.
Selected Books Publications
2017 Michael Gleizer. Artistic Visions", Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York, USA
1993 "Michael Gleizer", Paintings, Zev Markovitz, Silvia Hershkoviyz, Aaron Berman, CHAI, New York, USA.
1992 "Michael Gleizer", Graphics, V.Zavalishin, Kiev, Ukraine.
Selected Publications
2019, Article, "Michael Gleizer", "Art Acquisitor" Magazine, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York, USA.
2019, Article, "Michael Gleizer", "ART tour International" magazine, New York, USA.
2018, Article "Artist and Theater. Michael Gleizer" by Olexandr Fedoruk, (part 2), "Obrazotvorche Mystectvo" Ukrainian Magazine, Kiev, Ukraine
2018, Article, "Michael Gleizer", "Art Acquisitor" Magazine, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York, USA.
2017, Article, "Michael Gleizer", "Art Acquisitor" Magazine, Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York, USA.
2017, Article "Artist and Theater. Michael Gleizer" by Olexandr Fedoruk, (part 1), "Obrazotvorche Mystectvo" Ukrainian Magazine, Kiev, Ukraine.
2016, Article, "Michael Gleizer", "ARTisSpectrum" Magazine, Agora Gallery, New York, USA.
Sept, 2003 Article by Sergiy Papeta, "Ladder to the Sky", "Suchastnist" Ukrainian Magazine, New York, USA
- 2/18/2004 Articl by Richard McBee “The Jewish Press Magazine” New York, USA.
- July, 2003 Article by Mikhail German, “22”, Russian Magazine, Jerusalem, Israel.
- Feb 2003 Articie by Leonid Soroka, “Alef” International Russian Magazin, Jerusalem, New York, Moscow
- Feb 2002 Article by Elena Keshman, “Kreschatik” International Russian Magazin, Munchen, Germany.
- 6/09/97 Article by Grigoriy Kanovich, “Forward”, New York, USA.
- 2/07/97 “The Ladder to the Sky” by Grigoriy Kanovich, “Kaleydoscop”, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
- 6/00/96 “Michael Gleizer’s Jewish Art Emerges from the Societ Shadows”, by Judith Broder Sellner, “CHAI today” Magazine, Miami Beach, USA.
- Article by Jan Kalish, "The Jewish Week". New York, USA.
- 12/9/94 "The Hassidic Art Institute", by Robin Cembalest, "World of Lubavitch", Toronto, Canada.
- 3/94-8/94 "Russian Artist Show at Cardozo", by Silvia Hershkovitz, "Perspective" Magazine, New York, USA.
- 4/22/94 "At Work in the Chassidic Art Institute", by Robin Cembalest, "Forward." New York, USA.
- 4/17/94 “Crown Heights Gallery Focuses on Jewish Rituals", by Jan Kalish. "New York Newsday", New York, USA.
- 4/15/94 "Artist Michael Gleizer Marks Manhattan Debut", by Basha Oka, "The Jewish Press", New York, USA.
- 4/11/94 "Preserving Jewish Art in Life", by Jan Kelish, "New York Newsday", New York, USA.
- 4/01/94 "Old World, New Life", by Jan Kalish, "The Jewish Week", New York, USA.
- 03/22/94 " Chassidic Oil Paintings", by Diana Robers, "The Cardozo Law Forum", New York, USA.
- 11/19/93 "Attention to Detail", By Jan Kalish, "Jewish Week", New York, USA.
- 11/13/92 Articles by Lena Keshman, "Novoye Russkoye Slovo", New York, USA.
- 08/14/92 Articles by David Argaman, Israeli Shaylanu", New York, USA.
- 06/03/92 "Painting of Massacre Highlighting Exhibition", by Paul Kresh, "Jewish Week", New York, USA.
Selected Television and Radio Shows
- 11/24/97 Jewish Life in America, WLIW, USA.
- 02/25/95 Show with an Artist Michael Gleizer, WMNB, USA
- 02/10/93 A Story about an Artist. Michael Gleizer, "Voice of America", USA
- 1968-1973 Gerzen Leningrad State University, Department of Graphic Arts, Master's Degree, Leningrad, USSR.
- 1982 -1986 Institute of Technical Desing, Master’s Degree, Moscow, USSR.